Sémper (PP) calls Vox “ultra”, but leaves the door open to govern with that party

The Christian Democratic Union of Germany (CDU) is a sister party to the People’s Party. They share a European family and are supposed to be ideological pillars. These days in the German country it is news that the CDU has emphatically reiterated its rejection of any option of alliance or collaboration with the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD), comparable to Vox in Spain. “This party is xenophobic, it is an anti-Semitic party. We have nothing to do with these people and there will be no type of collaboration with them, neither openly nor under the table,” stressed Friedrich Merz, president of the CDU, the counterpart of Alberto Núñez Feijóo.

The regional and municipal elections on Sunday 28M have left the PP in the hands of Vox in numerous town halls and in five autonomous communities: Valencian Community, Balearic Islands, Aragon, Extremadura and Murcia. In different degrees according to the number of ‘if it is‘ either abstentions that they need for their investitures, the PP candidates need to negotiate and agree on something with Vox. The question, a week after the elections, was from the drawer: is Feijóo going to negotiate with the extreme right? or will he emulate his fellow Merz? The answer has been given to Borja Sémper, spokesman for the popular. “The only one, among [Pedro] Sánchez and Feijóo, who does not want to agree with any ultra, of any kind, of any condition, is Feijóo. Sánchez is capable of agreeing with ultras. Or is it that EH Bildu is not an ultra party? Or is it that ERC is not ultra? What have we seen in Spain? Where is the bar here, by virtue of which one is ultra and the other is not?”, Sémper asked himself, equating Vox with EH Bildu. It should be remembered that the PP censors any type of agreement in the Congress of Deputies with the information aberzale.

“Our autonomous communities and governments deserve serenity, good sense and stability and that is what we represent. In the communities and the Government of Spain we are not going to give up forming governments that provide stability and draw a better future for Spain”, he continued. “This is our political position and we believe it is more feasible and that we can achieve it”has added.

Questions about these possible agreements with Vox have been repeated and in no response has Feijóo said that he is going to veto those agreements. In the autonomies that have to address the investiture processes in the coming weeks, Sémper has said that it will be the autonomic candidates who are going to take the initiative, because it is a power that Feijóo, when he was president of the Xunta de Galicia, also claimed. According to the PP spokesman, the national management is not going to “monitor anything”. “We are going to let the days go by, to see how these conversations go with all the parties that have obtained representation in parliaments,” she said. The popular ones are going to avoid as much as they can that this approach to the ultra-right force takes place before the general elections on July 23.

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This freedom of Feijóo towards the regional candidates can also allow him to try to put some distance with those possible coalition governments with Vox, implying that it has not been his business. He already tried it with Castilla y León, where the PP and the radicals share the Government of Alfonso Fernández Mañueco. He settled for Feijóo who had just arrived at the presidency of the popular and tried to show that he had nothing to do with it.

In the Valencian Community The ultra leader is Carlos Flores Juberías, convicted of sexist violence against his ex-wife, something that Sémper was asked about at a press conference and he did not want to comment.
