Sémper and the two souls of the PP

Hours later, some deputies from the popular caucus reprimanded Sémper for his behavior. Everything indicates that in Puerta del Sol (headquarters of the Community of Madrid) this type of approach is not liked. For them, in the regions it is enough to pay homage to the local nobles as long as they are satisfied with not questioning that power is exclusive to Madrid. Every day it is more evident that in the PP there are two souls: Madrid and the rest. And, outside the capital, The offensive of Ayuso, Aznar and Aguirre against Feijóo’s strategy is considered a mistake and disloyalty. Not only with the current leader, but with the party. The PP of Madrid has been messing around since that Valencia congress in which Rajoy beat Aguirre. Since then, the capital’s leaders have not accumulated enough strength to gain internal hegemony, but they have become a thorn in the side of Rajoy, Casado and now Feijóo. Unlike the European liberal conservative parties, Ayuso and his people oppose any social change that implies putting the interests of the capital in checkhave become Madrid nationalists, which gives them an absolute majority but leaves their party very decimated to reach Moncloa, with no other possible ally than the folklorism of Vox. “Madrid kills us” they begin to shout quietly from the popular periphery. Now, they have injured Feijóo who, unlike Casado, had not had the audacity to take control of the party in the capital from them, but everything indicates that, if they end up killing him, That PP that they consider peripheral will impose Moreno Bonilla. And, if not, at the time.
