Selfie goes wrong: couple plunges 30 meters down cliff | News

In Spain, a couple has fallen 30 meters from a cliff by the sea. The couple wanted to take a selfie with a view of the steep abyss. They may have been leaning on a wooden balustrade that had collapsed. The fact that the two thirty-somethings survived their fall is thanks to a double portion of luck.

The drama happened around 5 p.m. on Sunday at Cala Cristal, at a lookout point above the sea along the Costa del Sol, in the southern Spanish province of Almeria. According to ABC Espana, the couple lost their balance after a wooden railing broke while taking a selfie above the abyss.

Their survival is primarily due to the soft surface on which they fell. At the bottom of the cliff was a thick bed of algae, which cushioned their fall. Yet they were still seriously injured. They failed to stand up on their own.

The couple ended up on a soft bed of algae. © RV

Cala Cristal

Cala Cristal © RV

Again, they were lucky, as a little girl from a family nearby happened to see the accident happen just as she was about to throw something in a trash can. The family was able to notify emergency services. According to the Guardia Civil, it would otherwise have taken hours for anyone to notice them in the difficult-to-access area.

Different fractions

A photo of the fire brigade shows the two helpless on a tiny beach when the emergency services arrive. The woman, 32, was evacuated with several fractures, and is awaiting surgery. The man is said to be in slightly better condition, but is still in hospital for observation.

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