“Self-respect in a relationship makes mutual communication much stronger”

Relationship Coach Gürkan Keçici said, “There are many issues to be considered in male-female relations. These issues are very important for a healthy union. First of all, the partners in the relationship should have self-respect. This allows the person to trust both himself and the other person. As many know, trust is the mainstay of relationships. Trust is even more important in male-female relationships where emotions such as jealousy come to the fore.” stressed the importance of self-respect.

Expressing that he supports his followers on many issues on the internet, Keçici said, “I focus on these issues on my Youtube channel and various social media accounts. I think this issue is important in terms of social order. After all, the smallest unit of society is the family. Therefore, families must be built on solid foundations. Since I think this point is very important, I also examine the mood of individuals before and during a relationship in my Youtube videos. I try to guide people on these issues.” made statements.

Communication is Important in Relationships, Healthy Communication Brings a Quality Life

Emphasizing the importance of healthy communication in terms of quality togetherness, Keçici said, “Relationships and communication are very important. Partners need to understand each other. Every relationship can have problems. But if these problems are not talked about, then there is a problem. If the problems are not solved, they are swept under the carpet; It may reappear after a certain period of time. For this reason, existing problems should be discussed within the framework of respect and love.” made statements.

Continuing his words and talking about a healthy communication, Keçici said, “Correct and healthy communication brings a quality life with it. This situation shows itself much better in marriages. Mutual understanding and respect and healthy communication are essential for a pleasant, happy life. Do not misunderstand my words. There is no problem-free relationship, of course. But a relationship where problems are discussed and resolved brings happiness as well.” He ended his statements with his statements.

“What Happened Before The Relationship Is Important For Determining The Course Of The Relationship!”

Gürcan Keçici stated that what happened before the relationship determined the course of the relationship. Emphasizing that this period is very important, Keçici said that understanding can solve many problems during the relationship.

Making statements on the subject, Keçici said, “Pre-relationship is a period when mutual communication is most intense. In this period, men and women try to maintain a healthy communication in order to prove themselves. What happened in this process is very important for the course of the relationship. In this process, it is very nice if two people who do not know each other very well are making an effort to understand each other. The pre-relationship period does not cover an insignificant process as it is thought. On the contrary, what happened in this process is very important in terms of determining how the relationship will progress. This period also needs to be examined in male-female relations. It is seen that the partners who are respectful to each other and take the issue of trust seriously in this period are much more successful in resolving the problems that occur in the later processes.” made statements.

Mutual Understanding During Relationship Solves Many Problems

Emphasizing the importance of mutual understanding during the relationship and expressing that this attitude is effective in solving problems, Gürkan Keçici said, “Many people think that what happened in the pre-relationship period did not contribute to the relationship. In fact, what happens in this process determines how the relationship will progress. Of course, this is a general statement. Every relationship dynamic is different. Various parameters also come into play. This situation causes different events to occur in the course of the relationship. Partners, who learn to approach events with respect and love before the relationship, continue this attitude later on. They have their feet firmly on the ground. They do not give up on the problems they face, on the contrary, they try to solve the problems.” made statements.

Continuing his words, Keçici said, “Mutual understanding and respectful attitude during the relationship solves many problems. Because the partners have the perception that we can move on by solving the problems. In fact, mutual understanding is important at every stage of the relationship. Empathy is just as important as mutual understanding. Trying to understand what your partner is feeling allows you to look at life from their perspective, even for a moment.” He concluded his statements with his statements.

“I’m Trying to Bring a New Perspective on Women-Man Relationships!”

Keçici stated that he is trying to bring a new perspective to male-female relations and that he is working on this issue.

Making evaluations about relations, Keçici said, “The issue of relations is important for all of us. In our work, we need to analyze the problematic aspects of male-female relations and focus on what needs to be changed and what needs to be done about it. In this regard, I try to answer questions such as “What responsibilities do individuals have in order to take the relations to the next level?” I use social media platforms to reach more people and to inform more people about the relationship. I am sharing here. Many people welcome my humorous handling of male-female relationships and the problems experienced. Actually, the relationship issue is quite serious. But I think it is important to be able to add a little bit of joy to this seriousness. Life should not be taken seriously, nor should it be passed on entirely with jokes. I believe that the golden ratio is also important in this regard.” He gave detailed information on the subject with his words.

From My Social Media Accounts, I Handle Problems in a Humorous Way

Stating that he has accounts on social media platforms and that he makes evaluations on the relationship from there, Gürkan Keçici said, “Social media is important in order to reach a wider audience. I also use these platforms to share my videos where I evaluate the problems in relationships. Glad I can help people. I am getting positive feedback. Which makes me think I’m doing the right things. I deal with issues related to relationships in a humorous way. I do not think that making serious assessments contributes to the resolution of problems. My listeners say they like my humorous side too.” made statements.

I Publish Many of My Videos on Youtube

Gürkan Keçici, who also made statements about how he reached his followers, said, “I publish many of my videos on Youtube. For this reason, YouTube also contributes to my reaching large audiences. In fact, my evaluations in my Youtube videos also helped me to publish a book. I have explained the issues I have studied here in more detail in Love Without Your Pocket: A Love Relationship Guide. My main goal is to highlight the problems experienced in relationships and to explain how to deal with these problems. Healthy relationships mean healthy partnerships. I am in a busy work. My studies do not tire me, on the contrary, I want to work harder and continue my development.” He emphasized that hard work actually motivates him to produce more.
