Self-promotion in a direct duel: FC Bayern is chasing the Salzburg star

In the round of 16 of the Champions League, FC Bayern showed the Austrian series champions RB Salzburg the limits. One of the few bright spots on the side of the defeated Mozartstadt team was midfield clearer Mohamed Camara, who was even voted “Man of the Match” in the first leg. Apparently the Malians left a lasting impression in Munich.

After 67 minutes, Mohamed Camara was over in the Allianz Arena: with the score at 0:5 from a Salzburg perspective, the defensive midfielder, who, like his team-mates, had not found a way to counter FC Bayern’s swirling offensive beforehand, was injured and had to leave the field.

A bitter premier class end for the 22-year-old, who had shone so well in the 1-1 draw in the first comparison.

According to information from the Spanish sports newspaper “AS“However, the impressions of Camara from the first leg were enough for those responsible in Munich to put him on the shortlist for possible newcomers.

FC Bayern not alone in courting Mohamed Camara

Of course, Hasan Salihamidzic and Co. will have noticed the impressive development of the six before the direct duel. In the team coached by Matthias Jaissle, the eleven-time A-national player from Mali is a decisive success factor as a vacuum cleaner in front of the defence.

Camara is only 1.74 meters tall, but extremely snappy and strong in stride and also an absolute team player. Its market value is said to have long since exceeded 20 million euros.

According to “AS”, however, FC Bayern is not the only well-known prospect for Salzburg: the Spanish champions Atlético Madrid are also said to be advertising for the services of Camara, whose contract with RB is valid until 2025. The Rojiblancos had already met the shooting star personally in the past Champions League season.
