Self defense, how to learn to defend yourself from aggression

P.unfortunately it can happen to all to find themselves in one dangerous situation and not knowing what to do or how to handle it. Sometimes, however, a few simple measures are enough that can change the situation to our advantage. And it’s not always a question of strength. Self-defense in fact, as he explains Manuel Spadacciniprofessional defense instructorborn as a law enforcement officer and founder of @kma_kravmagaacademy And @tacticalcombatshooting with 30 Krav Maga Academy centers throughout Italy, “it is not just a matter of muscles but also of small precautions that prevent us from turning into easy prey for the aggressor, head and determination“.

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Self-defense, a women’s issue

A few months ago the video appeared on social networks in which the super top Gisele Bundchen trains by improving her self-defense technique. She is passionate about martial arts, she has been practicing jiu-jitsu for some time and she has repeatedly declared that she feels stronger and more confident in herself since she started practicing it.

Let’s start with the fact that anyone can increase their ability to defend themselves. And if it is true that in the face of a physical attack there are many variables to consider, for example the surprise effect that can tip the balance in favor of the aggressor, his own physicality and our physical condition, over the years I have learned that the real difference is our mental attitude. Surely a trained and fit body is better performing in this situation, but also a person at a physical disadvantage if he activates certain mental processes and pulls out the determination can become a difficult prey for his attacker and, in some cases, be able to overturn the result»Explains Spadaccini.

Prevention, psychological aspect and physical confrontation at the basis of female self-defense

These are the three fundamental points to keep in mind in women’s self-defense. As the expert explains, prevention is the first step in self-defense, that is to take small precautions in daily habits which may seem trivial but help to avoid being seen as “easy prey” by the attacker “For example, for a moped snatcher it is much easier to tear the bag, and to make the victim fall to the ground, if the person walks on the sidewalk keeping it from the vehicular traffic side. Instead, it is sufficient to walk holding the handbag towards the buildings in order not to arouse particular interest in the criminalwhich will automatically look elsewhere ».

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Another classic example is the looking for the keys, «in fact, we tend to get out of the car and only then retrieve the house keys in front of the door. At that moment, one is very vulnerable, especially late in the day. Or again, usually in the parking lot of a shopping center it is customary to open the car from a distance to recognize it from afar. But we do not think that, while we reach it, someone can sneak into the back seats and attack us when we are already in the car. Rather than pressing the opening button better than the closing button, the lights will turn on anyway but we will be safer ».

To precautions both the psychological aspect must be added, statistics in hand show that a timely reaction improves the defensive response of the attackedand the physical confrontation, “theextrema ratio based on techniques that are simple to apply, which can be instinctive and which must target the most sensitive parts to optimize results ».

Active defense is the best self defense: what to do

It is a fact that women often start from a disadvantage in terms of strength and physical prowess towards a male aggressor “The techniques to be trained must therefore be useful in bridging the gap between the two bodies and targeting the most sensitive areas of the body, such as eyes and genitals.“.

It is about activating the so-called active defense: «If, during an attack, you close up like a hedgehog trying to protect yourself e waiting for the aggressor to calm down, a greater aggressive charge will be generated in him: with this behavior he is confirming that he is having dominion over us and is not giving him any reason to stop. Relying on his pity doesn’t work much. This is passive defense.

If instead we are the ones attacking to defend ourselves reacting unexpectedly for the aggressor, not only will the most natural defense instinct available to us be activated, but above all we generate in him a new problem and a new priority: that of defending himself from our attack“.

Active defense therefore gives a greater chance of survival, even if perhaps the final outcome is uncertain. But, as Manuel Spadaccini points out, everything starts from the mind: we must in fact learn not to accept being victims but be aware that we can react.

Pepper spray, a legal defense weapon

In Italy the only defense instrument permitted by law is the pepper spray. In case of its use during an assault, the victim is relieved of any responsibility which does not happen with other objects. Furthermore, being approved by law, it can be easily carried in the bag.

“Its operation is very simple: the spray sprays a jet deriving from the chilli pepper, that is completely natural, which irritates the respiratory tract and the view of the aggressor thus making it impossible to continue the aggression. With a simple push of a button you are able to immediately stop one or more attackers, even stronger ones, but above all to defend yourself while remaining at a distance. This is very important because it means defending yourself without physical contact, avoiding getting into a fight. The last fundamental aspect is that the effect is temporary, lasts approximately 30 minutes, and does not leave marks or lesions: it means that the aggressor will not be able to ask for any compensation for any damage “explains Spadaccini.

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However, not all sprays on the market are practical in certain situations, which is why the expert has created an ad hoc one “It’s called Stay Safe and I created it starting from the gaps in those available on the market. First of all I inserted a flashlight, statistically the attacks occur when there is low light or in the dark so the flashlight that turns on automatically allowing you to dazzle the criminal and take aim so as not to miss the target. I also made it with a patented and innovative system that allows you to press it even with long nails or gloves, while ensuring maximum safety in the bag. It is legally compliant and can be used by anyone over the age of 16“.

