Selena Gomez gets honest about her breakup with Justin Bieber

In her new documentary, Gomez talks openly about her former relationship with singer Justin Bieber.

The relationship between Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez lasted more than six years. PDO

Singer and actress Selena Gomez, 30, has previously been very quiet about her breakup with singer Justin Bieber, 28. However, Gomez has decided to open up in her new documentary Selena Gomez: My Mind & Me about what the couple’s breakup and subsequent on-off relationship has been like.

The relationship lasted more than six years in total. The final decision on the relationship took place in 2018, and a few months later, Bieber got married together with model Hailey Bieber.

– Everything was so public. I was haunted by a former relationship that no one agreed to let go of, Gomez says in the documentary.

Although the public relationship and breakup were difficult things, Gomez feels that the breakup was a positive thing.

– I feel like I just had to go through the worst possible heartbreak to forget everything. It’s really confusing. I think this was the best thing that ever happened to me.

Today, Justin Bieber is married to Hailey Bieber. PDO

Gomez reveals her hit song Lose You to Love Me arising from the difference in question.

– We wrote the song in 45 minutes. I’ve never written a song so fast. The song is about more than just lost love. I learned to choose myself and my life. I also hope that people can find grace and peace through the song.

Today, Gomez and Bieber seem to be on pretty good terms.

Selena Gomez also talks openly about her mental health in the documentary. PDO

Source: Harper’s Bazaar
