Seksueel geweld tegen ontheemde women in Oost-Congo blijft toenemen | Buitenland

In East Congo, there was an alarming situation in the middle of the ongoing conflicts that lasted for three decades. Honderdduizenden vrouwen and girls zijn het afgelopen jaar ontheemd geraakt in Oost-Congo te midden van gevechten tussen sea in 130 armed groups.

According to the United Nations, there are 130 armed groups in the north-east of the Congo, who protect the country and the hulpbronnen of the community. Seksueel geweld has been used for a long time as wapen door strijders in the region.

In 2022, 4 million people within the Congo will be on the ground as a result of the ongoing conflict, which is the largest in Africa and will be surpassed by the United Kingdom, followed by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Center.

The camp stand, with school beds, has little sea water in plastic sheets, making it easy to get to the bathroom. Armed men should fight against women and girls who will be seen from the fire and other people who need it.


Recent reports about a striking situation for women and girls in Eastern Congo, with the name in the Bulengo ontheemdenkamp en de omliggende areas. Dagelijks zoeken gemiddeld 70 slachtoffers van seksueel geweld medical hulp in klinieken the beheerd door Artsen zonder borders.

The organization treats 1,500 people in July with a range of treatments in three on-the-ground camps, which is why the dubbele is in the valley in my area.

“For the overlevenden van seksueel geweld, the al getekend zijn door het verlaten van hun huizen, blijft de impact van deze traumatic ervaring nog lang voelbaar,” said Esmeralda Alabre, coördinator voor gendergerelateerde geweldprogramma’s van UNFPA in the north east of Congo. “This trauma will last a long time.”
