“Seinfeld” and art cinema: actor Philip Baker Hall died

Actor Philip Baker Hall (stock photo)

Actor Philip Baker Hall (stock photo) Photo: AP Photo

From BZ/dpa

The US actor Philip Baker Hall is dead. According to consistent American media reports on Tuesday, he died on Sunday at the age of 90.

Hall’s credits include appearing on the sitcoms Seinfeld (1989-1998) and Modern Family (2009-2020). Viewers are also familiar with his furrowed face from well-known films by director Paul Thomas Anderson, such as “Magnolia” (1999) and “Boogie Nights” (1997).

Hall is remembered by Seinfeld fans for his guest appearance in the episode The Borrowed Book, in which Jerry Seinfeld is said to have failed to return a book 20 years ago and paid a fine.

Philip Baker Hall plays library crime detective Joe Bookman and delivers a perfect copy of the laid-back hero Joe Friday from the US police series Steel Net: “1971 was my freshman year. A bad year for libraries. A bad year for books.”

Philip Baker Hall was considered one of the few actors in America who became more successful with age.


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