Segre Seymandi, the sad fiction of the summer

Aldo Cazzullo (photo by Carlo Furgeri Gilbert).

Dagospia, which launched it, defined it as “the fiction of the summer”. Now that summer is ending, we can draw some conclusions. Starting from a confidence.

We journalists tend to grimly comment on the most discussed facts on social media: you surf the wave, you benefit from the flow, and you end up fueling it.

Having dedicated a few books and dozens of articles to Turin, I tried to look for some precedents of the Segre-Seymandi fiction to make an article out of it; but none came to me. Not that Turin has a moralistic history.

Guido Gozzano defined it as a “city conducive to pleasure”; and he wasn’t just referring to the candy shops. Cavour slipped his cousin Virginia, Countess of Castiglione, into the bed of Emperor Napoleon IIIto induce him to deploy the French army in the war against Austria.

Scandal at the party to announce the wedding: «I won't marry you anymore, go to Mykonos with your lover»

But such a horrible scene, like the one in the video that we all saw to some extent, the history of Turin did not remember. This is also a sign of the crumbling of the identity of a land, Piedmont, which has made Italy several times: with its soldiers, with its workers, with its intellectuals.

What the banker Massimo Segre did instead is indefensiblefrom every point of view. Cristina Seymandi is a woman free to live her sentimental and erotic life, like anyone. Dating another man doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t want to marry your boyfriend.

If for him loyalty is a necessary condition, he would do well to break off the engagement. But announcing it at a party, and pointing out your woman as being responsible for everything, is an act of violenceit’s a way to get revenge.

You feel humiliated, and you want to throw the humiliation on her, as if to say: this way I win. And even “my mother’s sapphire”, a precious value in private, is debased if given to the public. All this is not from a man who loves, it’s not from a man tout court, let alone from Turin.

Do you want to share emotions, memories, reflections with us? Write to us at [email protected]

All articles by Aldo Cazzullo.

