See First in Montilivi, from 300 euros

06/29/2022 at 21:35


Girona started the season ticket campaign this Wednesday with a significant rise in prices

The club rewards the loyalty of the subscribers with a lower price and the possible change to the Tribune

see play the Girona in Montilivi in the return to First it will be expensive to the partners and subscribers unlike the past course in Second. Yesterday, the club started the subscription campaign for the 2022-23 season and, as expected, prices suffered a significant increase (a little higher than the first promotion to the elite).

“Because of the new sectorization (with the creation of the Lateral or Central Preferred Goal, for example), the prices are slightly modified compared to the last season in First Division in which this sectorization was not yet applied”, explained the rojiblanca entity in its website, where you have to carry out the process to renew or register. Girona rewards the loyalty of subscribers with a lower price in renewals than registrations, which will be processed from July 26 among the followers who are on the waiting list. For adults, prices will range between 300 and 660 euros for renewals, and between 345 and 670 euros for new registrations. The Gol Norte and Sur areas are cheaper, and the Preferential and Tribune areas are more expensive.

The new registrations will not opt ​​for subscriptions in the Tribune and, on the other hand, those who are already subscribers will be able to request a transfer to the most privileged area of ​​the stadium (there is a maximum of 60 seats available that will be awarded by seniority). To the prices must be added between 10 and 15 euros more for the membership card. To request a new registration in the other areas, those interested will have to first put themselves on the waiting list and, as of July 26, complete the procedure.

The maximum number of subscribers proposed by Girona will be 9,500, taking into account that it is the one that existed in the last year in the First Division (2018-19) when the capacity was greater than the 13,500 seats this season. Until now, the club had 9,000 subscribers, so depending on the casualties that there may be (approximately 5%), there may be half a thousand new registrations ‘roughly’.
