Security is freedom

Berlin’s interior senator says that Berlin is a safe city. A comment from BZ editor Isabel Pfannkuche.

According to Interior Senator Iris Spranger (60, SPD), Berlin is a safe city. If she had walked through a dark park as a young woman in today’s Berlin, would she still say so?

During the pandemic, freedom is a constant topic of discussion. But freedom doesn’t just mean being able to speak your mind, meet whoever you want and travel at any time.

Freedom also means that a young woman does not have to be afraid when she walks through the streets of Berlin.

People like 17-year-old Dilan, who was the victim of a racist attack on the tram, will only laugh wearily at Spranger’s statement.

The reports of homophobic and racist incidents are increasing. In addition, there are the usual criminal acts such as robberies, which are no longer shocking.

Berlin is probably everything. Anything but safe.
