‘Security at emergency shelter for asylum seekers in Hoogeveen will be doubled’

The municipality of Hoogeveen is doubling the security at the crisis shelter on Stephensonstraat, where a maximum of 50 asylum seekers will be temporarily received at the beginning of next month.

That said mayor Karel Loohuis on Thursday evening during the budget meeting. For the time being, asylum seekers can stay here until 1 February 2023. With the temporary crisis shelter, the municipality relieves the application center in Ter Apel.

According to Loohuis, the size of the group that is received and the period of three months have no negative effect on ‘the social situation in society.’ He acknowledged that it is not known in advance who will register in Hoogeveen. We cannot exclude groups. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) ultimately determines how the reception is arranged.

In response to questions and concerns from the neighborhood, security is increased from two to four people who are present 24/7. However, the experiences with similar crisis reception locations are positive. If problems do arise, we respond quickly.”
