Secrets to choose a catering service

The catering It is a fundamental chapter of any celebration important, whether it is a birthday, wedding, anniversary or any party that calls for a considerable number of guests. The services in this area are responsible for creating a unique dining experience, which fits perfectly with the tastes and needs of the organizers of the event. In the market there are all kinds of companies and enterprises, for different celebration situations. In all these providers, it is important to evaluate the quality and type of food they use as well as the service they provide during the party. Recommendations or qualifications on the internet, plus a previous test of the catering, are good resources to know if the company we choose is the one that will provide us with what we are looking for. Here, the advice of an expert to choose the perfect caterer.

to take into account

Although the services offered to us are similar at first glance, it is important to make sure which services are included and which are not in the budget. Specialized companies can offer a wide variety of options. For example, the most complete services, called “integral”, are responsible for organizing most of the event: dishes, drinks, table linen, crockery and decoration.

“Our service provides everything the party needs: crockery, linens, chairs, menu and drinks. We take care of everything so that the client can be comfortable”, he explains. patrick keane, who, together with his wife and children, has been running the Keane family business for three decades. According to this expert, it is very necessary to plan in advance the contracting of the catering service. “It is convenient to reach an agreement several months in advance, to plan every detail of the event. The menu is always put together according to the tastes and the profile of the party. No two events are ever the same.”

party table

In the planning process, the event organizers and the catering service meet several times to discuss proposals and finalize details. Selecting the appropriate dishes for the event can be complex for those who do not know the subject, so it is advisable to be guided by the chef’s suggestions to define the menu.

Another important item is the decoration of the tables. Many catering services also offer various decorative options. “From the color of the tablecloths, to the chandeliers or centerpieces, they are chosen for each occasion together with the guests or those in charge of the event. The profile is given by each party”, assures Patricio Keane.

The preparation of the space where the celebration takes place is done on the day of the event, so it is necessary for the catering service to have an adequate number of staff. “Only when they are very big parties, the structures are carried the day before,” explains Keane.

Types of services

At business events, a cocktail is usually offered, a brunch or breakfast. On the other hand, weddings and birthdays are characterized by having a high volume of attendees and, therefore, a more complex menu. “We carry out events that have a complete reception with all kinds of dishes, designed for all tastes: fish, shellfish, leg of ham and cascades of sauces are some of the options. It is planned so that everyone finds dishes that they like”, explains Keane, who also points out that menus can be ordered with a more specific menu. “For example, we have the option of typical Argentine foods such as empanadas criollas, disco and roast foods, which are usually the most sought after in ranch events.”


The dishes can combine the preferences of the event organizer with the suggestions of the chef. The most chosen are fish and red meat, but there are also vegan and gluten-free options.

At the end of many parties a cake and a sweet table are served. This step is also custom. “One of the most requested options is a chocolate waterfall, but there are good simpler ideas,” explains Keane. In weddings or birthdays, the party lasts until the morning and, then, the “pizza party” and breakfast are mandatory. Or the tea service if the event is at noon.

The important thing is that the guests have a very pleasant time and good food is essential to contribute to a pleasant memory.

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