Secret overheating documents about China and Iran taken by Trump in command

The FBI door began Augustus het landgoed van Trump in Mar-a-Lago in Florida. Most recent information will be collected from more than 11,000 documents in full, depending on the documents in the country with the current information.

The house was announced in the squad of Trump in the National Archives. The service before that is due to the former President of the Papers of the Tijdens during the term of office of the overhand. That means elke president doen.

‘Heel gevoelige’ information

Volgens The Washington Post stond in sommige documents the bij de huiszoeking will be teruggevonden by Trump onder sea “heel gevoelige” information about Iran and China. That reports the crane and the message from people who know where it is from. Daaronder bijvoorbeeld secret papers about work van de Amerikaanse in Lichtingendiensten rond China. At least one document also discusses the rocket program of Iran. Volgens The Washington Post The conscious documents were deemed to be the most appropriate material that was taken by the FBI.

Those who are familiar with the matter should worry about the fact that the documents relating to the landgoed of Trump with the information provided by the information services were provided. Ze vreesden dat the documents informants in gevaar konden bring india ze in verkeerde handen zouden vallen.

Het Landgoed van Trump in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.Beeld AP

All of the previous documents are still valid

Speurders betwijfelen of de wezen president intussen all bij hem bewaarde regeringsdocumenten heeft teruggegeven. Het Amerikaanse ministerie van Justitie heeft de advocaten van Trump eerder deze maand op de hoogte brought van die inschatting en heeft erop wewezen dat all documents that hij meenam uit het Witte Huis, overgemaakt would have been.

Look at an inventory of documents and other items that are taken in Germany from the landgoed Mar-a-Lago.  Beeld REUTERS

Look at an inventory of documents and other items that are taken in Germany from the landgoed Mar-a-Lago.Beeld REUTERS

Onderzoekscommissie aanval Capitool dagvaardt Trump

Daarnaast heeft Trump nog kopzorgen. The Commission of Het Huis van Afgevaardigden the de anval van 6 January 2021 op het Amerikaanse Capitool onderzoekt, heeft Trump formeel dagvaard. The commission is that Trump is due on November 4th, a report documents are presented in the Op of round November 14th, a final declaration is made.
