Second suspect arrested for murder of girl (9) in Liverpool | Abroad

On Thursday evening, a 36-year-old man was arrested on suspicion of the same offences. He would have been the shooter, according to British media. It is not clear exactly what the role of the second suspect was. Olivia Pratt-Korbel, 9) died Monday night in a shooting incident at her home. Her mother was wounded in the wrist and a man unknown to them sustained multiple gunshot wounds.

On the run

This man was on the run from a gunman and fled into Olivia’s house after her mother (46) opened the door to see what was going on outside. Shots had already been fired. Despite the woman’s resistance, the man broke into the house. The gunman chased him and fired several shots, one of which hit both mother and daughter. The woman had also tried to keep the shooter out.

The target and the gunman may have been engaged in a gang war. The man who was shot (35) is a convicted burglar. He was arrested on Tuesday for violating the terms of his early release from prison.
