Second Dutch suspected drowning death in Ghent reports to the police

The second Dutchman suspected of being involved in the drowning of a man in Ghent, Belgium, reported to the Dutch police on Tuesday evening, it said. Public Prosecution Service of East Flanders Wednesday know. The 23-year-old man, like the previously arrested suspect, comes from the Zeeland town of Goes and has been arrested.

Also read: 25-year-old Dutchman arrested for drowning man in Ghent

On Sunday morning, the body of a 53-year-old man was found in the water at Ferdinand Lousbergskaai in Ghent. He is said to have been pushed off a bridge after the Gentse Feesten and was probably unable to swim. Both Dutch suspects will shortly be arraigned before the examining magistrate in Amsterdam and Belgium has now requested their extradition. Two other occupants of the car in which the suspects left Ghent were heard as witnesses.

chance meeting

According to the Belgian Public Prosecution Service, it appears to be a chance meeting between the perpetrators and the victim and there was no prior link between them. The preliminary investigation shows that they did not meet at the Gentse Feesten either.

According to Belgian media, camera images show that the victim and a number of Dutch people walked together for a while, were fooling around and pretended to throw each other into the water. In the end, two of the Dutch allegedly threw the Gentenaar, originally from Uganda, over the railing of a bridge.
