Second corona case in the German Olympic team

A few days before the opening ceremony of the Winter Games in Beijing, a second German team member tested positive for the corona virus. The person concerned be “symptom free”.

The German Olympic team in Beijing has its second Corona case. One of the 85 members of the team who entered China on Tuesday had tested positive for the virus, the German Olympic Sports Confederation announced on Wednesday. The DOSB initially did not want to say whether it was an athlete or a supervisor.

The affected team member is symptom-free and has to move to a quarantine hotel. Depending on the result of the further test, “the further procedure will be determined,” it said.

97 members of the DOSB delegation landed in China on Tuesday, including 40 athletes and President Thomas Weikert. 274 of the 403 representatives of the German team had reached Beijing.

A few days ago, a German supervisor in the Zhangjiakou mountain region was diagnosed with a corona infection.


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