Seasonal forecast for spring in Zoetermeer: ​​’start wet, later sunny’

Meteorological spring starts on March 1, but what can Zoetermeer residents expect from the new season? Jaco van Wezel, meteorologist at weatheronline.nllooks ahead.

Jaco is careful, because ‘the reliability of seasonal forecasts is limited and outlines a rough trend for the entire season.’

Spring in Zoetermeer

Jaco: “We have to take into account a wet and mild start to spring. The really beautiful spring days will probably take a long time again this year, but in the second half of spring the chance of drier and sunnier weather increases.”

According to the meteorologist, the wet start to spring is due to the mild winter. “After a mild winter, the sea water temperature is higher than normal and this results in more clouds and showers. The sea evaporates more moisture, allowing showers to bring a greater amount of rain.”

El Nino

In addition, according to Jaco, there is a connection El Nino. After a winter in which the weather phenomenon El Niño was active, a relatively wet spring usually follows in our country.

Warmer and sunnier

Jaco: “As spring progresses, the influence of high-pressure areas increases according to most weather models, which means that the chance of dry and sunny weather increases. It is also expected to be warmer than average. Then it might even look a bit like summer.”

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