Searching and playing in mega maize maze: “You can get lost, but you don’t have to”

Search, play and get lost in a huge cornfield. This is possible throughout the summer holidays at Melle de Graaf (12) in Wieringerwerf. His parents made a maze about two football fields in size and with a very special design. Difficult? Melle knows the way: “If it really doesn’t work out, I’ll come get you.”

The maze of exclusively maize plants has been sown using a GPS system. The maze contains a falcon, a mouse and a grain of wheat. “It is the cycle of life and that of farm life,” says Melle’s mother, Marbel de Graaf. It’s the second time they make a maze. “It’s a lot of work, but last year we made two thousand children, parents and grandparents happy. We just wanted to do that again this year.”

Take a look below in the maze with Melle and Marbel.

The labyrinth on the grounds of Leven Van De Wind will be open to the public from Monday. Well beforehand to book.
