Search for two missing people in collapsed Rotterdam building has begun

Forensic investigators started searching for the two missing persons under the rubble of a collapsed building on Schammenkamp in South Rotterdam on Thursday afternoon. reports Rijnmond broadcaster. Real danger of collapse is a thing of the past after night-time demolition work with a crane, now that the last unstable layer of the building has been removed, according to the police.

It may take a long time before the bodies are finally recovered, writes the police, the one opposite the NOS indicates that he has a suspicion where they are located.

The search for the two missing people, postponed for days for safety reasons, caused dissatisfaction among relatives of the victims. They felt that the process was too slow. A number of people therefore entered the site through the fences on Wednesday evening. Ultimately, the police arrested two people with the help of the riot police. They have both been released.

It is now quiet at the place where dozens of houses were destroyed on Monday evening and at least one person died after a powerful explosion in a garage. The police report that they have sent extra officers to the crime scene “so that no accidents can happen and the emergency services can work safely.” The cause of the explosion is not yet known.

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<strong>The explosion</strong> took place at street level where several companies had their storage space. ” class=”dmt-article-suggestion__image” src=”×96/smart/filters:no_upscale()/s3/”/></p><p><dmt-util-bar article=
