Search for shelters for Ukrainians: ‘It will certainly work’

Every security region in the Netherlands must have 1000 reception places available for war refugees from Ukraine in the short term. Ultimately, there should even be 2000. For the whole of Brabant, this amounts to 6000 reception places. According to mayor Theo Weterings, chairman of the Central and West Brabant Security Region, that should not be a problem. “Apart from the offers we already have, that should certainly work.”

According to Weterings, those places are also desperately needed. “We do not know how fast the flow of refugees from Ukraine is coming our way. Several municipalities in the region have already announced that they have reception places available. It is better to be well prepared than to have to deal with unorganized reception afterwards and too late. have to work. So we are going to prepare for the arrival of Ukrainians.”

‘Decent shelter places’
According to Weterings, the crisis team will meet at the beginning of next week. “Then we will have a good idea of ​​what is available. All municipalities really want to arrange decent reception places. The Ukrainians will be allowed to stay in our country for the foreseeable future and will not have to apply for asylum because of the war.”

Weterings does not yet want to name specific reception locations. “For the time being, the refugees can still go to various reception locations in the country. All available locations within our security region will be examined. If there is clarity, we will bring them out, first to the vicinity of the possible reception location.”

‘People are involved’
There is plenty of input, Weterings notes. “People are involved and find it logical if municipalities and security regions start to provide shelter for war refugees. There are also people who want to receive refugees in their own home. People should think carefully about this in advance and obtain information, for example at Vluchtelingenwerk. need for shelter in this situation.”

ALSO READ: Cabinet wants Brabant to receive 6000 Ukrainian refugees
