Search for new top athletic talent among shoppers in Hoogeveen

In the center of Hoogeveen there was a sprint track of 60 meters this afternoon. All passers-by who wanted to could sprint. The goal was to find the fastest woman and man in town.

“Today’s winner will be offered a nice prize: a training internship at Papendal at the Athletics Union. There they are prepared for the qualification for the Dutch National Championships in Apeldoorn and they take on the challenge with people from seven other municipalities,” says Erik Reumer, chairman of athletics association HAC’63 and co-organizer of the event.

National champion in the heptathlon Sophie Dokter also participated in support of the youngest candidates. She herself has not been ‘discovered’. “I actually started athletics when I was six because my parents both used to do that too. So it was natural that I would also try it. And then I noticed that I really liked it and also had a bit of talent. I continued to where I am now,” she says.

Is there also the super talent here in Hoogeveen? “As an athletics association, we mainly look at potential. You may not be that fast yet, but thanks to a clinic and training you will become faster and you can get the best out of yourself. We mainly look at individual performance. a top talent,” said Reumer.

Zevenkampster Dokter adds: “I already see a number of children who are very enthusiastic about this and who say to their parents: ‘I think this would be nice, mom and dad’. That way you find the people who really like it and so on. can come.”

Shoppers do not always wear appropriate footwear. No problem, according to Reumer. “Then they just go barefoot. Or in high heels is also allowed. If there are people who want to become proficient in that, then that is possible. You have special races for that,” he jokes.

Two young girls are all beaming after finishing the sprint. Are they going to ask mom and dad if they can go to athletics? The answer is a resounding “yes!”.
