Sean Penn has to leave Ukraine on foot

He had to walk the last few kilometers… Until recently, Hollywood star Sean Penn (61) was filming his documentary about Putin’s war in Ukraine. But now the filmmaker has fled – on foot!

After it became known that Putin had miles of military convoys rolling towards Kyiv in order to encircle the capital, that civilian facilities were being bombed more and more and that the population was fleeing the city, things probably got too tricky for the actor too.

“Two colleagues and I walked miles to the Polish border after leaving our car on the side of the road,” Penn wrote on Twitter. He also shows a photo of himself with a trolley suitcase on a street. Cars back up to the horizon.

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Penn continued, “Almost all of the cars in this photo are women and children only, and most have no luggage. The car is her only asset,” Penn said. The actor has been in Ukraine for a long time and is filming there about Putin’s breach of international law. Penn interviews citizens, soldiers and politicians for his documentary.

Most recently, on February 24, the day of Putin’s invasion, he took part in a press conference of the Presidential Office of Ukraine. The government even thanked Penn for his courageous efforts in a statement.

also read

︎ Sean Penn is shooting a documentary about the Ukraine war in Kyiv

▶︎ Sean Penn: Ukrainian people are a symbol of courage and principles

The actor has been involved in the humanitarian field for a long time, criticized the Bush administration for the Iraq invasion, is a member of the advisory board of the marine protection organization Sea Shepherd and founder of the aid organization CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort), which helps the victims of the severe earthquake deployed in Haiti in 2010.

Writing on Twitter on Saturday, Penn wrote of the horrendous war: “It’s already a brutal mistake that has taken lives and broken hearts, and if he doesn’t back down, I think Mr Putin will make a terrible mistake for all of humanity.”

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Penn continued: “President Zelenskyj and the Ukrainian people have risen up as historic symbols of courage and principles.” Ukraine is currently “the spearhead” of democracy.

Penn also appealed to his own countrymen for support: “If we allow them to fight alone, our American soul is lost.” A spokeswoman in Los Angeles confirmed: Penn has already managed to leave Ukraine.
