Sea Life Blankenberge releases seal Duvel

Sea Life Blankenberge releases seal Duvel

Now that the animal has recovered, it can go back into the sea.

Seal Duvel was spotted as a seal pup in December last year on the seawall of De Haan. The animal was probably looking for its mother. Caretakers from Sea Life Blankenberge collected the animal for care. Duvel weighed only fifteen kilograms at the time and still had a white baby coat. “Meanwhile, Duvel has gained weight to 33.5 kilograms. During his shelter here, he learned to eat independently and also learned to swim,” says Michelle Hoeneveld, general manager of Sea Life. The seal sanctuary with eight seals is currently completely full. “That is not abnormal, because we are in the gray seal season. If seals still need help, we will have to try to care for them on the beach, or we will have to make choices,” says Hoeneveld.
