Sea Life Blankenberge now also catches harbor porpoises

Sea Life Blankenberge now also catches harbor porpoises

Sea Life Blankenberg is known for sheltering seals, but also receives calls from porpoises. “We see that the number of stranded porpoises is increasing. Moreover, it appears that the animals, which are the most common whale species in the North Sea, have not had good shelter available until now,” says general manager Steve Vermote. The animals are cared for in a bath of three by six meters that can hold 25,000 liters of seawater. Last year, Sea Life caught 45 porpoises.

Get back into the water as soon as possible

Until recently, Boudewijn Seapark caught stranded porpoises in Bruges. There is also a shelter in the north of the Netherlands, but that is 400 kilometers away and stranded animals have to go back into the water as soon as possible. The porpoises are staying at the Sea Life hospital. Visitors do not get to see the animals.
