sea ​​dan 40 doden bij rellen in vrouwengevangenis Honduras | Buitenland

The Hondurese politie announces that zeker 41 doden zijn gevallen bij rellen in a vrouwengevangenis op 20 kilometer van de hoofdstad Tegucigalpa. De politie trof 25 verkoolde lichamen aan. He should brand zijn uitgebroken bij de rellen.

The policy confirms that there are reports that it will happen in the future. The authoritarians should be aware that there is no dentition that can be resolved.

Volgens local media brak de brand uit na gevechten tussen rival bendeleden.

Vice-minister van Veiligheid Julissa Villanueva announced on Twitter a “noodtoestand” aan en veroordeelde het vandalisme.

The tremors of the families of the dead, Delma Ordoñez, reported to the local media that led to a growing group of rivals who burned in fire. Het gebouw war de slachtoffers zijn omgekomen “is completely ruined. Het is in de as gelegd”, zei ze. The gevangenis accommodates about 900 vrouwen.

All of the events of politics and law are indicated around the promises of the family, of which you are deprived when you look at information.

Honduras has a divorce from similar incidents in the past. In 2019 there were 18 vanquished from battles in a penitentiaire establishment and in 2012 stierven meer than 350 vanven from a fire.


Guarding agents with registered offices in Tamara, about 25 kilometers from Tegucigalpa.
Guarding agents with registered offices in Tamara, about 25 kilometers from Tegucigalpa. © AFP
