Sea and 10,000 Haitians escaped from crime Buitenland

Escalating the crime rate in the center of Haiti and 10,000 people were hunted on the river. This is reported by the Britse persbureau Reuters. The afgelopen dagen hebben bendes op meerdere plekken in the land aanvallen uitgevoerd op onder other en ziekenhuis.

On this day, many people are at the University of Mirebalais, one of the most important medical institutions in the Caribbean country. Grandchildren have the opportunity to move to Bendeleden and also have access to a police office in Saut-d’Eau, not in Mirebalais. He has a lot of information, there are videos and photos that are sent via social media, and the ruins and gates in Muren are broken.

Volgens Reuters are also reported in the region’s Artibonite in the Central Department.

Haiti is the poorest country in Latin America and is facing serious politics and an economic crisis. Criminele bendes hebben large delen van het land en de hoofdstad Port-au-Prince under controle en de authoriteiten zijn niet bij made hen adequate te bestrijden.


The afgelopen weken laaide het geweld in het land op, nadat Jimmy ‘Barbecue’ Cherizier, unfortunately van the G9 bende en one of the most powerful criminals in the land, dreigde de regering omver te werpen. ‘Barbecue’ wants to have its own hands in a monster alliance of various criminal organizations, which ‘Samen Leven’ will noemen.

Some other bends were clear and not served by the aankondiging; On Tuesday there will be a ‘barbecue’ in the neighborhood.

intervention power

The situation in Haïti has radically deteriorated in the face of President Jovenel Moïsne, two years ago. Prime Minister Ariel Henry governs the country by decree, so that he can have a relationship with the people who were drunk in the moor on Moïsne.

The political crisis has been triggered by a vacuum of power, which criminals use to make the Greeks on their territory worse. De regering-Henry vroeg onlangs now in the Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties om een ​​international intervention power om de orde in the land te te.
