Sea and 100 million euros on termijnrekeningen tot één year | Money

In January 2024, the banks will pay 103.23 million euros in terms of time and money for each year. Vergeleken met December gaat het om a stijging met bijna 6.2 million euros.

Het bedrag op dergelijke rekeningen kende al a forse opstoot als gevolg van de uitgifte vanaf and Augustus dead en met begin September van de immensely popular aenjarige staatsbon, wararmee de overheid 21.9 miljard euro ophaalde. Various banks on the ground have the right terminirekeningen with a gelijkaardig rendement aan.

Maar als gevolg van de stijgende rentes kenden dergelijke formulas al langemend succes. For a long time, you will be able to spend a year on a journey worth around 25 million euros, which will be paid in mid-2022 – to the European Central Bank of pensions, starting on the trekking – it is now possible to start the journey.

Also after termijnrekeningen with longer loop times went more money, when the blijft of the bedrag with 14.78 million euros in January was relatively noticeable. On the other hand, as a result of the success of the state receipts and the terms and conditions, he spent the previous year with a lot of money from traditional savings accounts. He is spoken of in a light style worth 269.97 million euros in January. The money for the money is worth 289.89 million euros.
