Scott Kelly abused his wife and children for years

Singer-guitarist Scott Kelly has decided to end his music career and leave the public eye permanently.

Scott Kelly is leaving the public eye. PDO

Founder, singer-guitarist of the band Neurosis Scott Kelly55, has publicly said on his Facebook account that he abused his wife and children “emotionally, financially, verbally and physically” for years.

Due to the abuse, Kelly has announced that she will permanently retire from her career as a professional musician.

“My focus will be on taking care of the family for the rest of my life so they can heal safely and rebuild their trust in me,” Kelly writes.

Kelly wanted to write a public statement on the subject so that she could “address some of the rumors and correct them.”

– I became paranoid about people finding out about my actions. I found ways to keep my wife at work and my children in school, and I created disagreements with friends and family members.

– I used threats, manipulation. I made threats of self-harm and suicide, causing physical harm to people and their reputations to maintain control, Kelly writes.

Kelly states that he doesn’t want to lie about things anymore because he loves his wife so much. The musician wants to deal with his “serious problems” and get better. In addition, Kelly hopes that the family will be able to deal with things between themselves without additional publicity.

– She (wife) is the best person I know. He is a very honest, loving and good person. This is fucked up, she deserves much better, he continues.

Bandmates comment

The members of the Neurosis band stopped working with Kelly in 2019 after learning about the singer-guitarist’s abuse of the family. However, the band members did not share information about their family backgrounds due to the wife’s request.

The band published an official statement on the subject on their Facebook account.

– We have had no idea what he has done to his family when we have not been there. By Scott’s own admission, his abuse was deliberate, targeted and a closely guarded secret – even from those closest to us, the band writes.

The band members say they couldn’t believe what they heard. However, it’s not surprising to them that Kelly hid his actions for so long because it went against the band’s values ​​so badly.

– Since 2019, we have been trying to contact Scott. We wanted to have an honest conversation about the state of the band and find out how he and his family are doing, but for three years he has refused to talk to us. Scott has refused to take responsibility for his actions.

– We usually see public openness and honesty related to mental health problems as brave and even profitable. We just don’t think that’s the case here. There is nothing brave about systematically abusing your wife and children.

Kelly admits everything on her Facebook profile. snapshot photography

According to the band members, Kelly has “not worked to change his behavior”. The group is worried about Kelly’s wife and children and their safety. The band announced that they are not going to comment on the matter any further.

Also bandmate of Corrections House and Mirrors for Psychic Warfare Sanford Parker comment on the matter publicly. She “had no idea how much Scott had abused his family.”

– He (Scott) talked a lot about his “mental illness” and other things. He was sorry, but nothing like this, Parker writes.

Kelly has also cut ties with Parker at the beginning of 2020. Parker has repeatedly tried to contact his former friend.

– I tried several times to reach his wife as well, but I was always told that everything was ok. In March 2021, the wife sent me a long, detailed email about the abuse she and her children experienced and it was, quite frankly, the most disturbing thing I have ever read. It made me physically sick, Parker reveals.

Neurosis is an American band founded in 1985. The band has also toured in Finland no less than three times: twice in 2009 and in 2014.

Source: Blabbermouth, Blabbermouth
