Scorpion fish in Calabria: that’s why it’s dangerous

Its sting, in addition to being very painful, can cause various damages and, in the worst cases, lead to death

Giacomo Martiradonna

An ambient alarm shakes the Calabriawhere two individuals of scorpion fish (Pterois miles), an exotic species: the alert was launched byIspra (Higher Institute for Environmental Protection and Research). Its sting can cause serious damage, and in some cases can prove fatal. It is a native species of warm seas which now seems to have adapted also to Italian waters due to global warming. As reported by Ispra, the first of the two scorpion fish was caught a few days ago in the locality Le Castella (KR) by professional fishermen at a depth of approximately 24 meters. The second sighting occurred on June 25, during a recreational dive along the coasts of Marina di Gioiosa Ionica (RC)about 12 meters deep. The first reports of this species in our seas took place for the first time in 2016.

scorpion fish

Scorpion fish is a species belonging to the Scorpaenidae family. It is a very showy fish, with an elongated and laterally compressed body, covered with reddish scales. The head is large and pointed, with bulging eyes and a wide mouth. The fins are large and showy, with rays poisonous thorns. Coloration is variable, but usually has vertical bands of red or brown on a white or yellow background. Scorpion fish is native toIndian Ocean and the Red Seabut it has also spread in the Mediterranean Sea since the 1990s, probably due to the global warming and accidental transport through the Suez Canal. It’s about a invasive species, which competes with native species for food resources and space. In addition, it poses a threat to human health, as its poisonous spines can inflict painful stings to anyone who accidentally touches or steps on it. Edible and deliciousthe scorpion fish is a protected species by the Bern Convention and the Barcelona Convention, which prohibit their capture and trade. However, it can sometimes happen that it ends up in fishermen’s nets, and this exposes them to the risk of stings. It is advisable to find out about the presence of scorpion fish in areas frequented by swimmers and divers, avoid touching or approaching it and report any sightings to the competent authorities.

lethal neurotoxins

Scorpion fish venom is a mixture of neurotoxins and cytotoxins who act by provoking intense painswelling, redness, nausea, vomiting, sweating, hypotension, tachycardia and breathing difficulties, even if the animal is not alive: in fact, the contents of its spines act up to 48 hours after death some fish. In some cases, the sting can cause it too anaphylactic shock, paralysis or tissue necrosis. Treatment consists of washing and disinfecting the wound with fresh water, applying warm compresses to neutralize the poison, and administering painkillers and antihistamines. If you have severe symptoms, first aid is required.
