Scoreboard of the readers: here is the game of the Gazzetta to win fantastic prizes

The new championship has started and immediately a great surprise: here is the Readers’ Scoreboard, the new game of the Gazzetta that gives you the opportunity to express your opinion and win fantastic prizes.

How to play?

For each match of the Serie A championship you can give your vote, from 2 to 10, to the players who took the field. You have 90 minutes from the final whistle to deliver the report cards.

To play for free, simply register and log in to G + subscribers will have the chance to win tons of prizes.

At the end of the voting for each match, the general average will be calculated for each player, i.e. the average of the votes expressed by all the participants. The deviation of your vote from the overall average is your points for that player.For example, if you have rated 6.5 and the average is 6.10, you will get 0.40 points.

Find out if you have won

For each game, the winner is the one who comes close to the average of all the voters, i.e. the one who has obtained the lowest total score (adding up the individual differences).

The ranking is published at the end of the voting for each match, but is considered definitive only after the appropriate checks as per regulation.

Each week you can play all 10 games of the round and try to win the prizes up for grabs. The first in the prize ranking of each game wins a voucher worth € 100 that can be spent on
