Scordia, furious brawl at the end of the game between players under 17

The second leg of the Under 17 provincial championship between Gymnica Scordia and Libertas Catania Nuova ends in a furious brawl. And now the carabinieri are investigating

Other than a party at the end of the match: a shocking “third time” with assaults, manhunts, assaults on the pitch. Yet the return final of the Under 17 Etnean provincial championship between Gymnica Scordia and Libertas Catania Nuova, played yesterday afternoon at the Binanti stadium in Scordia, center of Calatino about forty km from Catania, could have turned into a tragedy due to the violence witnessed in a video broadcast at night by


On the field the 4-1 for the hosts, after the 0-0 accrued in the first leg, should not have given rise to disputes and controversies. Yet the madness was triggered with players who chased each other to beat each other, with the intervention of men not in sportswear who participated in the indecorous bullfight. Players on the ground kicked, savagely beaten, others chased and beaten. All against all.

police investigations

In the morning the Carabinieri of Scordia continued their investigations to trace the culprits and are reconstructing the dynamics that led to this sort of far west. In the stands there was a general stampede, while some parents, worried about what was happening on the pitch, flocked to the playground.
