Scoop! Quarterfinals Smartest Man played for the first time with one ’empty’ chair | show

It has never been seen in twenty seasons of The smartest person: an empty seat in the quarterfinals. Due to a corona infection in his family, comedian and columnist Jasper van Kuijk will play the TV quiz tonight from another studio, secluded from the rest.

No, he is not yet in his new home country of Sweden, which he immigrated to this summer. Jasper van Kuijk is a studio away during the quarterfinals, with a camera pointed at his nose. A TV screen has been placed on the empty chair next to fellow candidates Ferdi Stofmeel and Erik van Muiswinkel, showing Van Kuijk up to his waist.

The comedian, who does not have a corona himself and was able to show a negative PCR test several times, could have played in the regular studio according to the current corona rules, but decided in consultation with the makers not to take a risk.

‘Unprecedentedly cozy’

“As you can see in the photo, I was sitting there in an incredibly cozy environment,” jokes Van Kuijk on his own Instagram account. Regardless of the outcome, this is in any case a unique episode.” Van Kuijk is third in the ranking of The smartest person.

His opponent Ferdi Stofmeel sent his fellow candidate Jip van den Toorn home last night. Earlier this week, the actor was presented with a real brain teaser during the gallery round. This site listed the top five most cryptic galleries. Also make an attempt? Play along here.

Jasper van Kuijk in his ‘unprecedented cozy’ quarantine studio. © KRO-NCRV

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