Scientists discover how and when our sun will end | Science

Everything comes to an end, even the sun. When and how exactly that will happen has long been a mystery. But now scientists think they know how the massive star will end. One thing is certain: we will not be here to experience it.

The sun, the star in our solar system, arose about 4.5 billion years ago from a cloud of dust and gas (hydrogen nebula) that began to collapse under the influence of gravity. It is expected to take another 5 billion years before the sun gradually transforms into a supernova, the phenomenon where a star explodes in a spectacular way. Presumably the sun will first turn into a red giant: the core of the star will shrink and the outer layers will expand, so the sun becomes bigger and brighter. The explosion itself is predicted to take another 5 billion years. In short, in 10 billion years the story of the sun will come to an end.

From red giant to white dwarf

As soon as the sun turns into a red giant, it is actually already dying. Finally, during the final chapter of the story, all that remains of the sun is a white dwarf. In such a white dwarf nuclear reactions no longer take place and the mass has become very small. Finally, the core of such a white dwarf cools and turns into a black dwarf.

Eventually all nuclear fusions in the star stop and this matter repels. This matter forms a planetary nebula around the star’s core. But that nebula won’t last forever either. The gas that makes up the nebula disappears and all that remains is the star’s core: a white dwarf. This core continues to cool and will eventually turn into a black dwarf, no more light or heat will be emitted.

By the way, humanity should not worry. Our end is already much sooner there. Aside from climate change and other external threats, humans have only one billion years to go. After all, the sun increases 10 percent in brightness every billion years. As a result, oceans will evaporate and the earth, according to prediction, will transform into a red-hot desert that is uninhabitable for humans.
