Scientist Santiago Grisolía dies at the age of 99

The president of the Consell Valencia de culture and promoter of the Jaume I awards, Santiago Grisoliahas died this morning at the age of 99 in a hospital in Valencia, where he was admitted after a worsening of your health condition in the last days.

The scientist died at 6:30 a.m., according to sources from his environment and the Generalitat Valenciana.

Until a few days ago, he went to his office in the central Palacio de Forcalló, headquarters of the Consell de Cultura. He had feared for his health for a long time, but some members of the organization were already preparing the celebration of his 100 years. It can’t be.

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As soon as the news of his death was known, the expressions of condolences have followed. Institutions, personalities, intellectuals and the world of culture and science are in mourning for one of the most important Valencian scientists of the 20th century.

Throughout the morning it is planned that the burning chapel will be installed in the Palau de la Generalitat.
