Scientist: “Few technical reasons to stop Ventilus”

Scientist: “Few technical reasons to stop Ventilus”

Recently, Minister Demir in Flanders approved the reinforcement of two similar above-ground high-voltage projects. With the same capacity and radiation impact as the new Ventilus connection. Joannes Laveyne, Ugent: “The Mercator-Bruegel line between Kruibeke and Dilbeek and the connection with the Van Eyck station in Maaseik are also very powerful lines that are essential for the transport of electricity. Current flows there too, even with a higher load than the future Ventilus.”

Citizen platform Leefbaar E403: “In the past, asbestos, smoking and pfos were also harmless.”

Our citizens’ platforms believe that the ‘health’ aspect should weigh more heavily when a new high-voltage line is installed. Moreover, according to the citizen platform livable E403, you cannot compare Ventilus with the upgrade of existing high-voltage lines. Francky Snaet: “Ventilus is a new main supply line for all electricity coming from the North Sea. It will be continuously supplied at the maximum load, which would even exceed the radiation threshold of 20 µT (microTesla) for 30 days a year. “We are faced with a magnetic field that is up to 50 times higher. Certainly with a new line, the government must apply the precautionary principle in which health comes first. It was also said in the past that asbestos, smoking and pfos were not harmful.”

Researcher Joannes Laveyne: “Flemish standards are stricter than European ones.”

According to Joannes Laveyne, the Flemish standards for electromagnetic radiation fields are strict: The maximum radiation from a high-voltage line is 20 µT, where Europe sets 100 µT first. Outside a radius of 180 meters around a high-voltage cable, the Flemish threshold is also 0.4 µT. That is the value from the time there is a possible chance of health risks.” Scientists have been thinking about the health risks of high-voltage lines for 2 generations. There is still not yet a statistical – and no causal – link between magnetic radiation and childhood leukemia.

Civic platform Begraaf Ventilus: “Theoretical threshold zone of maximum 0.4 uT often exceeded.”

According to another citizen platform, Begraaf Ventilus from Zedelgem, practical measurements show that this threshold is easily exceeded. This was the case, for example, in a bedroom of a house near the Stevin Line between Koolkerke and Maldegem. The action group received the measurement results after hard pressure from grid operator Elia.

“At a load of 19% on the high-voltage grid, a field strength of good 5 µT was measured, or 13 times more than the allowed 0.4. A very serious exceedance, but because no legislative framework has happened, nothing about it,” says Lieven Vandamme of the action group. “I therefore think it is normal that Minister Zuhal Demir will not allow a new, even heavier high-voltage line. For us, there is only one good solution for the future: to put that line underground because there are no problems with health, as well as the landscape, will benefit.”

