Science Festival: three activities for “M’illumino di Meno 2023”

gThursday 16 February will be the day of I light up with Less. On the occasion of this annual event, the Science Festival has come up with three free educational activities for teachers and families on the theme of energy/light and creative reuse.

The message of I light up with Less

From 2005 to today Caterpillar and Rai Radio2 organize what since last year has become the National day of energy saving and sustainable lifestyles. An appointment, that of I light up with Lesswho wants to spread the culture of environmental sustainability he was born in resource saving.

I light up with Less – which takes its name from the famous verses of the poem Morning by Giuseppe Ungaretti – is organized by Rai Radio2 on February 16ththe day it came into force, now eighteen years ago, the Kyoto Protocol.

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The purpose is just to invite everyone to reduce their consumption, reviewing their lifestyle in a sustainable key. In these years, on the occasion of this day, the major squares and the most important monuments of Italy were switched off simultaneously. Including the Colosseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Arena di Verona and the Madonnina del Duomo di Milano.

In 2008, then, it was created an international editionwhich therefore also saw the lights of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, Trafalgar Square in London and the seat of the municipality of Athens go out.

The Science Festival supports the 2023 edition of I light up with Less

I light up with Less, therefore, invites everyone to rethink their habits. And in the weeks leading up to the day, the Caterpillar program proposes a radio campaign in which the thousands of members of schools, municipalities, associations and individual citizens are told. Among these there is also that of Science Festival.

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The annual thematic event held annually between the end of October and the beginning of November in Genoa has prepared three educational activities for teachers and families. Three easily replicable “recipes” both from the point of view of the necessary materials and from that of the procedure to be followed. Within the didactic cards (available here) the necessary materials, the tools to be used and the assembly instructions are in fact defined. These three activities allow you to create an air machine, a paper spectroscope And a water and salt battery.

