Schwazer’s manager: “This is why he participates in Big Brother”

Giulia Mancini has been following the walker for years: “Given the situation, Alex decided to participate in the reality show to give a message and explain what he is experiencing”

Michele Antonelli

If in the last two months Alex Schwazer he entered the homes of many Italians by running on a Tapis Roulant, some credit goes to him too. “Mediaset asked him several times to participate in the Big Brotherthey want to make his story known.” Giulia Mancinimanager of the walker for years, reorganizes the memories and tells the behind the scenes of the experience Schwazer is living in these weeks in the reality show of Channel 5. “The call came at the end of July. After some reasoning, he decided to accept to give a message and explain to as many people as possible what he has experienced in recent years.”

the training

The starting point is precisely what is told about Active Journal: “In the agreement made with Mediasetthere is the fact of being able to train every day. Alex demanded it and it is not a trivial concession, it means detaching himself from the game and from the other competitors for several hours. For this reason, he asked the production for a Tapis Roulant of the latest generation capable of optimally simulating the road. He had seen this machine some time ago in a gym in Rome and fell in love with it (laughs, ed). He also asked to have an elliptical available to alternate work in the house.”


“Given the particular situation – continues Mancini – you can also receive immediate communications from the lawyers in the event of important news on the disqualification. I have been working in the world of sport for years and I have never seen such fury towards an athlete. Alex made a mistake and paid for it, he fell and is trying to get up in every way. I think it’s unfair what he’s been experiencing since 2016, it’s one of the reasons why we started collecting materials to tell this story.” The docuseries produced by Netflix was born like this: “It is an important work, it has been distributed in 190 countries and is allowing the story to spread. But it is still content distributed by a paid platform, not accessible to everyone”. Hence the idea of ​​reaching a larger audience with a reality show: “Alex some time ago already participated in Beijing Express, a great experience because it allowed him to see new places. Furthermore, they are also help from an economic point of view. In recent years he has spent a lot to advance the issue, it hasn’t been easy. Not so much for me, Donati or the Sorcinelli and Brandstaetter lawyers’ offices, close to him out of friendship, but for other professionals abroad it is a factor to take into account”.

the message

Mancini’s speech ends with a thought: “As already explained on various occasions, Alex would be entitled to a reduction in his disqualification for having collaborated with sports justice. In this sense, however, everything has been at a standstill for months, despite the issue has also found important spaces in the media. I admire his strength, he trains for hours with great determinationbut without certainties. His fortune today is to have a family that loves himfight above all for them.”
