Schwarz does without and hopes for successor Giffey

Berlin's Governing Mayor Giffey, Economics Senator Schwarz:

Berlin’s current ruler Franziska Giffey (44) and Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (57, independent) Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From Hildburg Bruns

HE stops and wants SHE as his successor: Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (57, independent) is leaving politics again. This gives the SPD more leeway when it comes to filling the Senate departments. Schwarz hopes that Franziska Giffey (44, SPD), who is still in power, will take over.

For days there has been speculation about the future of Franziska Giffey: Will the outgoing governor be responsible for urban development or work/social affairs (her contacts with Federal Minister Hubertus Heil, 50, are top) or will she oust the most successful senator to date from the Government office?

Now Black draws a line himself. After teaching Giffey Easter, he phoned co-SPD leader Raed Saleh (45) on Saturday. “I’ll take care of my company again now,” said Schwarz when he informed BZ of his decision on Sunday. With his younger brother Heiko (51) he has the building cleaning company GRG with over 4000 employees.

It is very likely that Giffey will now actually take over the business department. Black: “I hope so! When she performs, there is usually thunderous applause.”

And who will take over the difficult construction department for the SPD, which is supposed to deliver around 20,000 new apartments a year? It could run towards the previous Secretary of State Christian Gaebler (58, SPD). Or Cansel Kiziltepe (47) – the Kreuzberg member of the Bundestag is parliamentary state secretary in the construction department, but is actually a labor market expert by training.


Franziska Giffey Hubertus Heil Raed Saleh Stephan Schwarz
