Schumacher sees “insane dynamics” in Formula 1

Former Formula 1 driver Ralf Schumacher sees motorsport and the automotive industry as having a duty to combat climate change.

“We only have one planet and we have a great responsibility to make our contribution,” said the 46-year-old on Monday as part of the SID MixedZone.

Not only Formula 1 has now “developed an insane dynamic, the companies are spending a lot of money to make their operations CO2-neutral. That’s the case here everywhere,” said Schumacher.

The ADAC GT Masters, for example, which looked forward to the start of the season in Oschersleben (April 23/24) on Monday, is now using a new fuel. This consists of around 50 percent renewable components and was developed exclusively for the racing series.

With a view to the mobility of the future, according to Schumacher, electric cannot be the sole solution. “The topic of e-mobility has started a little bit, I wonder where the electricity would come from if everyone suddenly did it,” said Schumacher: “But it’s also possible with other fuels, with CO2-neutral fuels, with hydrogen. Many things are in store for us, and e-mobility will definitely be a part of it.”
