Schools, sports and village hall under one roof in Schoonoord. Three major stumbling blocks do not stop the 21 million euro plan

The flag can be raised in Schoonoord. For 21 million euros, the village will receive one building with not only both primary schools and childcare, but also a brand new sports hall.

The village hall, currently still in the heart of Schoonoord, is also moving to the new complex on the edge of the village.

On Tuesday evening, the majority of the city council agreed to the plan, but that did not happen without a fight.

Schools ready for demolition

The plans have been discussed for years. The buildings of obs De Slagkrooie and obs SJ van Royenschool are ready for demolition. Because the need is great at both primary schools, 5.2 million euros has already been allocated for new construction at the beginning of this year. This can then start as soon as possible, so that this part is ready in the summer of 2025.

On Tuesday evening, the council agreed to another 15.8 million euros for the remaining use of the complex, which is being built on the site of the KSC football fields and the old sports hall (on the south side of Sportparklaan). The korfball players from SDO and the tennis players from De Return are also moving to this side of the street.

Stumbling blocks

Council factions have been opposing the plan in recent weeks. These were three major stumbling blocks:

1. Money

A complex for 21 million euros is a lot of money. New construction of the schools is not up for discussion, but the sports hall can also be renovated, right? And the current village hall was completely renovated in 2014. What will Coevorden do if other villages soon come knocking on the door for such an expensive complex?

2. Sports hall

A new hall, while the occupancy rate is very low compared to other sports halls in the municipality of Coevorden? Yes, says councilor Joop Slomp (PvdA). According to him, renovation is hardly less expensive in annual costs than new construction. Moreover, the current floor of 22 by 44 meters is too small. Sports associations grant dispensation, but this can be corrected in new construction.

3. Village house

Everything under one roof is of course a nice thought, but it is capital destruction knowing that the current village hall will not be depreciated until 2039.

Sharing the canteen

BBC2014 indicated that it had struggled enormously with the proposal due to the high costs. The party wanted to enforce that indoor and outdoor sports and the village hall would soon share the canteen. “We assume a cost reduction of 20 percent,” said Thieno Nijenbanning, something that councilor Joop Slomp (PvdA) could not promise. “I don’t have a crystal ball. But sharing spaces together does of course result in cost savings.” Slomp will do its best to achieve this.

Floris Vulto of the VVD said he had learned of the council proposal with increasing surprise. “At the beginning of this year we agreed to expand the schools, pending extensive substantiation for the MFC. But that investigation never happened. The financial and social substantiation is currently lacking. It seems like a trick to get the proposal through. The plan must therefore go back to the drawing board.” The PAC also insisted on this.

‘What an amount’

The new complex gives Schoonoord perspective again, the PvdA saw. “The village is treated as equal within the municipality,” said Eddie van der Weide. “It’s a huge amount of money,” sighed Sandra Katerberg (CDA). “What an amount.” The CDA also urged more cooperation between the users of the building. “It is a missed opportunity that both schools are not yet ready to collaborate. I see double meters everywhere.” Nevertheless, the CDA also agreed. “We can no longer keep Schoonoord on the line,” said Katerberg. Only the VVD and the PAC voted against.
