Schools and village halls will soon be able to take out interest-free energy loans, if it is up to the province

The province of Drenthe plans to provide interest-free loans to owners of social institutions who want to make their buildings more energy efficient. With the money, for example, schools, village halls and general practitioners can start making their buildings more sustainable.

In order to be able to provide the loans, the province wants to deposit an extra 10 million euros in the Energiefonds Drenthe. Companies and social organizations from Drenthe can borrow money from this fund for insulation or the purchase of solar panels, for example. A maximum interest of 2.5 percent currently applies to a loan.

Due to rising energy prices, the province has recently received many applications from companies or institutions that want to borrow money to reduce their energy consumption. So much that the Energy Fund will probably be empty in six months.

The province therefore wants to transfer a total of 26 million euros to the Energy Fund. In addition to the 10 million that is reserved for social institutions, another 16 million euros will be added. According to the province, that money is needed to keep the fund going until the end of 2025. Companies will continue to pay interest. The provincial council still has to vote on the proposal.

Households in Drenthe already receive an allowance if they want to make their homes more sustainable. People who own a home who earn a maximum of 130 percent of the minimum wage can have an insulation company come by at the expense of the province.

Last month, the province also set up an emergency fund of 5 million euros for companies, organizations and households that run into problems due to the sky-high energy prices.
