School closure in Echten is off the table. ‘A wonderful result and in our eyes no more than logical’

The joint objection and actions of the Participation Council, the Wolderwijs foundation and parents of primary school ‘t Echtenest in Echten have been successful. Despite previous reports, the Education Executive Agency has decided to continue funding the school. This means that education in Echten will be preserved.

Earlier this year, the Wolderwijs Foundation received a message from the Education Executive Agency that it intended to discontinue funding. The number of students was too low, according to the implementing body. Reason for the board of Wolderwijs and the Participation Council (MR) of ‘t Echtenest to take action. A formal objection was filed and a petition started. With success, because on June 6, Wolderwijs received a message that DUO will maintain the funding for the 2023-2024 school year.

‘A wonderful result and in our eyes no more than logical’, says Bas Guchelaar, director of Wolderwijs. ‘We pointed out to the implementing agency and the responsible minister the importance of education for the quality of life in the village and they have taken that up. In addition, we expect a further growth in student numbers, which means that the outlook for the future is positive. DUO’s amended decision provides the opportunity to work on that future.’

‘As involved parents and MR of KC ‘t Echtenest, we have always had the confidence that the school in Echten has a future. Of course we are very happy with the positive message, but for us this is a first step forward. We believe that the unique education in Echten can be seen in the vicinity. Preparations for this are already in full swing. Soon everyone will be invited to experience it for themselves through a ‘public lesson’: a green hands-on afternoon that we are organizing together with the institute for nature education and sustainability,’ says Marije Palmers, chairman of the MR.
