School class saves man and dog from drowning

The fire brigade got the soaking wet man and his dog out of the cold water with the help of a ladder

The fire brigade got the soaking wet man and his dog out of the cold water with the help of a ladder Photo: spreepicture

By Dirk Böttger and Maren Wittge

Life-saving reaction of a school class on Friday night!

Shortly before midnight, a man walked with his dog on the banks of the Spree near the main train station. The dog suddenly jumped into the cold Spree, followed by the shocked owner.

A school class that happened to be present heard the drama on the Spree and was able to secure the man and his dog until the fire brigade arrived.

According to the fire brigade, three to five young girls in particular took action. One of them was able to grab the dog’s leash and held it until the fire department came.

The man was therefore clinging to an exit ladder, but could not climb out himself. The girls then also held him on the quay wall until the emergency services arrived.

13 vehicles from the fire brigade then turned up, including divers and a multi-purpose boat. However, these were not used.

The fire brigade in action

The fire brigade in action Photo: spreepicture

A firefighter in a survival suit finally got the soaking wet man and the animal back onto land using a ladder. According to the head of the fire brigade, the behavior of the students was more than exemplary.

The slightly hypothermic man was treated on site by rescue workers, but refused transport to a hospital.


Berlin Fire Department Berlin Police Spree
