School books bonus: where the calls are still open

M.and increases on everything. Shopping, bills, transport. AND, among the increases that families will have to bear in September, there is also one for school books. The increase in the price of paper, in fact, has also increased the price of books for the new school year.

First day of school: we start again between rules and green pass

School books bonus: the right to school costs

In support of low-income families, however, there is a bonus, or a contribution for the purchase of the textswanted by the so-called national law Family Act and then managed by the various Regions through a tender.

It is the latter, in fact, that establish terms and conditions for obtaining the bonus. THEThe Family Act in fact leaves them the burden of establish an ISEE threshold which can vary from administration to administration.

The contribution is obtained with the ISEE

There application is made onlineand the bonus is valid up to 16 years of age of the studentor until the end of compulsory schooling.

The procedure for obtaining your ISEE and requesting it can be found on INPS website. From here you can access the DSU, the Single Substitute Declaration already pre-filled with the data provided by the Revenue Agency and INPS. Alternatively, you can contact a CAF.

The Regions in which the tenders are open

As for the calls for access to the bonus, since the Regions manage them, always the same ones decide, whether or not to do them, and when. Therefore in some, such as Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lombardy, Piedmont and Puglia, the terms have already expired. But in others, instead, they have to start. Let’s see what they are.

We go back to school, but this year there is also the price increase for school texts (Photo Unsplash)

Bonus school books: Lazio

In Lazio, the book bonus is reserved for elementary and middle school pupils residents in the Lazio region and with an ISEE of less than 15,493.71 euros. For elementary schools, the supply of textbooks is already free.

A paper form located on the site of the Lazio Region And it must be delivered to the Municipality of residenceso that this can consider the request.

Together with the request it is necessary to attach all the documents that demonstrate that they meet the requirements And invoices for payments made for the purchase of teaching material.

The individual municipalities must send the admitted applications through an electronic procedure by 15 October 2022.

Emilia Romagna

The Emilia Romagna region opens the calls from 5 September to 26 October 2022. Access to the bonus is reserved for students under the age of 25, except in the case of disabled persons certified in accordance with law n. 104 of 1992.

There the request must be made on thethere special platform by those who have an ISEE that falls into one of the following two ranges:

Band 1: Isee from 0 to 10,632.94 euros;

Band 2: Isee from 10,632.95 to 15,748.78 euros.

The extent of the contributions will be defined taking into account the resources available and the applications presented.


In the Tuscany Region, there is time until 21 September for the application and the contribution has a value of up to 300 euros.

They are entitled to it families with Isee less than € 15,748.78. The request, also in this case, it will be presented to the Municipality of residence.


Even the Campania Region, following the example of Emilia Romagna, identifies two Isee bands:

Band 1: Isee from 0 to 10,633.00 euros;

Band 2: Isee from 10,633.01 to 13,300.00 euros.

Those who return can therefore apply directly to the municipality of residence, knowing that priority will be given to families in band one.


In the case of Sicily, applications for the 2022-2023 schoolbook bonus must be submitted by the deadline of 14 October 2022 and exclusively at the school attended.

In turn, the schools will send everything to the municipality of residence by November 18, 2022.

The application must be submitted by those who have a Isee not exceeding 10,632.94 euros.

