Scholz wants to use the police in outdoor pool riots

From the BZ editorial team

After outbreaks of violence in several Berlin open-air pools, Chancellor Olaf Scholz spoke out in favor of taking action against the rioters with the police.

“It is absolutely correct if the conclusion drawn from this is to use the police now,” said the SPD politician on Friday in Berlin at his summer press conference. Such incidents should not be acknowledged “with a shrug”, stressed Scholz. It must be made clear “that we as a state do not tolerate that”.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) speaks at the summer press conference in the House of the Federal Press Conference

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) speaks at the summer press conference in the House of the Federal Press Conference Photo: Michael Kappeler/dpa

Violent clashes in the Columbiabad in Neukölln made national headlines last weekend. The outdoor pool is known nationwide because there are often riots and problems with young people there. Parts of the district of Neukölln are considered a social hot spot.

When asked whether the incidents were due to integration deficits, Olaf Scholz was evasive: “Anyone who does something like that doesn’t behave according to our rules.”

ID required in Berlin’s summer swimming pools

The Berlin Senate wants to curb the violence in the outdoor pools with a drastic measure: identity cards will soon be mandatory everywhere! This was announced by Governing Mayor Kai Wegner (CDU) and Interior Senator Iris Spranger (SPD) on Thursday. Columbiabad is scheduled to reopen this weekend.

In the afternoon, the politicians visited the Prinzenbad in Kreuzberg together and spoke to visitors and employees. Then serious faces at Wegner and Spranger – both have had enough of the many attacks.

As soon as possible, the following applies in the outdoor pools: Visitors must register online in advance with their name and address, then show their ID at the entrance. If you want to go to the pool spontaneously, you have to bring your ID with you and you will be registered on site. Children need a student ID card.
