Scholz sees a continued threat to Ukraine from Russia

BRSSEL (dpa-AFX) – Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) continues to see a threatening situation on the border between Russia and Ukraine. Russia still has enough military potential there for an invasion, Scholz said on Thursday after the EU heads of state and government discussed the Ukraine crisis in Brussels. “It’s threatening, and it will remain a threatening situation, and you can’t be naïve.” He confirmed the dual strategy towards Russia: on the one hand the threat of tough sanctions, on the other hand a willingness to talk.

Contrary to considerable doubts from the USA and NATO, Russia confirmed the partial withdrawal of its troops on Thursday. After the maneuvers were completed, tanks from the western military district were prepared for transport, the Ministry of Defense announced in Moscow.

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, on the other hand, accused Russia of further increasing troops and equipment on the border with Ukraine. After consultations with the defense ministers of the NATO alliance states in Brussels, Austin said: The Russians asserted that they would withdraw some of their forces after exercises were completed, “but we don’t see that – quite the opposite”./mfi/DP/nas
