Scholz is cautious about asylum procedures outside Europe

ACCRA (dpa-AFX) – Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) has expressed reservations about calls for asylum procedures outside Europe. When making such proposals, one should first ask what the third countries that are supposed to carry out the procedures say about them, said Scholz on Tuesday during his trip to Africa in Ghana. “At least that would be polite advice.”

North Rhine-Westphalia’s Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst had previously spoken out in favor of seriously discussing asylum procedures outside Europe. After their arrival in Europe, refugees should be brought to partner countries along the escape routes “so that procedures and protection can take place there according to the rule of law,” the CDU politician told the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”. “This means that those who cannot expect protection status will not come to our country in the first place.”

Scholz said in Ghana’s capital Accra that there were “many things that were being proposed every day now.” “The most important thing is to always keep a clear head.” Wherever you need partners, you first have to check “whether they also want to cooperate”./mfi/DP/stw
