Schöffel: Austria boss Jürgen Nairz leaves

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Juergen Nairz | Photo: Schöffel

Jürgen Nairz, Managing Director at Schöffel in Austria, is leaving the company in the middle of the year.

The managing director of Schöffel Austria GmbH is leaving after almost twelve years in this position, the Bavarian outdoor brand announced on Monday. He will continue in this role until the end of June. Nairz took up the position in autumn 2010 when the Austrian subsidiary was founded. As head of Austria, he also took over management of the Italian market.

“Jürgen Nairz made the Schöffel brand strong in Austria and shaped it. We look back on almost twelve successful years together. I thank him for this achievement,” said Peter Schöffel, Managing Partner at Schöffel.

The successor to Nairz follows the goal of seamlessly continuing the transformation process of the brand on the Austrian market, according to Schwabmünchen. Further details about the new management have not yet been announced.


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